Thursday, 1 February 2007

1 Feb - Other Fab Blogs; Nail Clipping on Trains?

For my regular readers, I apologise. It will take a while for me to get around to telling today's story.

Graham Ellis is still asking for support with his petition. Please sign. The petiton may be signed on line at As of 1.2.07 he has over 1500 signatures, making it eighth out of 370 petitions relating to Transport and Intfrastructure.

I have also learnt of some other fantastic blogs and websites. Please have a look at:

I Hate FGW
Great Western Sucks (see 15 Dec entry!)
Farce Great Western
Oldfield Park blog
Railvoice (a way to complain)
More Train Less Strain
Oxford Rail Action By a customer, for customers
Save The Train
Saltash Rail User's Group
Ivybridge Rail User's Group
Friends of Suburban Bristol Railways
Severn Tunnel Junction Campaign
North Devon Rail Users
Severside Rail Community Partnership Group

0642 turned up on time. Journey could have been boring if DT had not spotted the chap sitting clipping his nails with his shoes off. Fortunately, he was not clipping his toe nails. Still, I advise anyone not to get into carriage B and sit at one of the tables on the LHS of the train when travelling towards London, unless you are prepared to share the area with someone's nail clippings.

Got to Didcot at 0727, sat around for 25 mins waiting for the connecting train. This is normal, but a 25 min wait should not be nornal.

Caught the 1653 home. Got to OXF station and there were huge crowds of people. Apparently, there was a broken down train. I didn't get too wound up as I thought that it would mean less time waiting a Didcot. And that's a good thing. Got to Didcot 10 mins late (what a shame) so we went to the shop and then sat on the seats on the platform. Noticed that more seats had disappeared - where have they gone? Got on the BTM train, which had metamorphosized from an HST into an Adelante as the HST had 'technical problems at Paddington'. We're lucky to get seats. Had to change seats at Swindon as I am quite short and my feet are 3 inches off the floor on Adelantes and my left leg was beginning to ache due to lack of blood. (I really don't like those trains.) Some bloke was listening to his MP3 player, meanwhile his phone was ringing and vibtrating. (I think I might turn this into a most annoying habits on train column.) Got home to bath slightly early. Amazing.


Journey to work punctuality: 84%, 27/32
Journey home punctuality: 81%, 26/32


FGW alerts:
cannot be bothered to list them, they thought the network was perfect, little did they know of the goings on in Oxford, and our broken down train.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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